Q1: What are the steps for commissioning an HBG Modular building?
STEP 1: Prepare Information (30 Minutes)
(A) Do you own your land?
(B) Do you have a budget and have you procured financing?
(C) What is your projected schedule for completion?
If you (A) own your land and (B) have financing, you’re ready to begin!
(A) Project & Land Feasibility: ANALYZE the physical property, entitlements, setbacks, etc.
(B) INVESTIGATE Governing Agency and local rules/regulations.
(C) REVIEW project budget + schedule + scope of work.
There are many occasions when satisfying STEP 1 relies upon information obtained in STEP 2. HBG can be commissioned to provide a Feasibility Report to assist in final determinations regarding property development possibilities.
Q2: I’d like to understand the designs that are possible with your HBG modules. Can I custom design a project?
HBG modules are typically arranged in a variety of efficient and aesthetically pleasing configurations (test fits) that will provide for a unique project composed of standardized components. This is how we apply mass customization to the modules that we manufacture.
Leveraging previously approved and governing agency certified modules is the preferred method of project delivery. Designed to bring economies of scale and volume, affordable HBG modules largely fulfill the needs of market-rate, affordable, supportive and homeless housing requirements.
Multifamily projects are typically located on unique pieces of property, and thus, site conditions also drive unique design solutions.
We strongly recommend capitalizing on the past R&D that our HBG team has undertaken by working with our approved modules. The pros/cons of standardized vs. customized modules and their impact on cost/schedule will be discussed in further detail in the Design phase of your project.
Q3: How do I obtain a building permit for a multifamily modular project?
STEP 1: Modular Submittal & Site-Based Plan Check (One Month)
(A) HBG submits required documents, designs and calculations to governing agency dedicated to modular construction.
(B) HBG initiates plan check process with local jurisdiction agencies for site-based work.
STEP 2: Separate Modular & Site-Based Reviews/Approvals (Time Varies per governing agency jurisdiction — typically this is a two month process)
(A) Documents exclusive to HBG modular portions of the project are reviewed, completed and approved by governing agency.
(B) A small portion of the overall drawings and documents related to site-based work are reviewed, completed and approved in a streamlined plan check process with local jurisdiction agencies. The integration of all drawing types are stamped for approval to build.
HBG will prepare all required standard documentation and submittals to the respective governing agencies having jurisdiction over the property/site. Any Variances, Conditional Use Permits, Environmental Impact Reports, Special Use Permits, etc. that are required above and beyond these standard approvals will be obtained at this stage. As a client, you will be given advanced notice of any additional project-based service fees that you may be required to pay.
Q4: What can one expect from the prefab modular construction process?
Step 1: Factory-Built & Site-Based Work — Part I (Time Varies)
(A) Steel module fabrication and progress quality control begins in China facility. Ongoing U.S. inspections take place.
(B) Site demolition and preparation for foundation installation and construction begins.
Step 2: Factory-Built & Site-Based Work — Part II (Time Varies)
(A) All rough and finish electrical, plumbing, mechanical systems, cabinets and fixtures are installed. Walls, floors and ceilings are finished, painted and made ready for delivery.
(B) Foundation forming, rebar installation, inspections and concrete pouring take place with the foundation/podium ready to receive the steel modules.
Step 3: Project Completion & Occupancy (Time Varies)
(A) Steel modules are installed on the site and all site-constructed elements go through a final inspection and approval.
(B) Project is completed & final documents for Certificate of Occupancy are submitted.
Q5: Are HBG buildings LEED-Certified?
HBG buildings were born out of sustainable design principles. Our clients typically prefer not to bear the additional costs associated with an official LEED Certificate and that savings is passed on to the client. HBG's projects employ the same product and performance standards of LEED, Greenpoint and Energy Star compliance/conformance requirements.
Q6: How does HBG contract with Clients?
All projects follow the nationwide standard American Institute of Architects (AIA) Contract Documents - A141– 2014 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Design-Builder.
Q7: Does HBG provide financing for the construction of their buildings?
No, but HBG works closely with a group of well-respected and fair finance teams who understand the prefab/modular construction process. This familiarity enables efficient processing of Requests for Payment, Inspections and overall Budget Management.
Q8: Who pays for the building permits and fees associated with obtaining a building permit?
All fees associated with the project are the responsibility of the client. HBG will process all documentation required to obtain building permits.
Q9: How long does it take, from start to finish, to complete a project and how much does it cost?
Because of the number of variables associated with building construction, we cannot answer with pinpoint accuracy, however we have provided exact costs, timing and milestone completion dates for past (case study) and current projects. In general, HBG projects are approximately 15% to 20% less expensive to build. Projects are completed in less than one half of the time (50% time savings) of traditionally constructed projects.
Q10: Who is HBG Modular?
HBG Modular is an innovative prefab design-manufacture-build company on a mission to provide a state-of-the-art construction model that makes traditional construction methods obsolete. In the words of Founding Visionary Max Azria, "...we're going to proivde a home for every family on the planet..."
Q11: What does HBG Modular do?
Pursuing the notion of Architecture as Product, HBG Modular employs and leverages technology, a proprietary prefab building system and global sourcing to create affordable, rapidly constructed quality multi-unit buildings at an affordable price point. This endeavor is supported by heavy emphasis upon digital technology but tempered by decades of professional design-build expertise. Focused project markets include multifamily, senior, hospitality, supportive housing, homeless shelters, market-rate apartments/condos and commercial buildings.
Q12: Why is HBG Modular in business?
HBG Modular is a for-profit business and part of a continuum of technologically-driven strategies that challenge and eliminate the pitfalls and ever-present problems of traditional construction — risks, headaches and repetitive construction problems that have persisted for hundreds and hundreds of years. We’re here to change the manner in which buildings are constructed, one project at a time. While revolutionizing the construction industry is a massive undertaking, HBG is simply following the script from the playbooks of the automobile, computer, smart phone and aerospace industries.
Q13: Who provides leadership at HBG Modular?
Founded in 2016 by visionary Max Azria, HBG Leadership is composed of creatives and pioneers with a proven track history in design, fabrication and construction. Key leaders are:
LUBOV AZRIA (Chief Executive Officer), best known as the fashion industry icon who built BCBGMAXAZRIA into a billion-dollar company.
DANNY MOIZEL (President / General Contractor), with 26 years of diverse national development and construction experience.
YASMINE HANANE (Chief Operations Officer / President of Manufacturing), responsible for international expansion as well as the company’s global supply chain.
PETER DE MARIA AIA (Chief Design Officer), Architect credited with the first building-code-compliant cargo container-based building in the U.S.
Q14: Where is HBG Modular located?
HBG Modular (or “HBG”) is headquartered in Vernon, California, just outside of downtown Los Angeles with offices opening across the U.S. Operating facilities are located in Shanghai, China and Ensenada, Mexico.
Q15: Does HBG create residential projects?
The primary focus of HBG residential work is multi-unit apartments. With a range of homeless, supportive and market-rate solutions, HBG is on a quest to create a home for every family on the planet. HBG does not pursue single family home projects — those types of projects are delivered by sister company, Azria Home Ltd.
Q16: How is HBG Modular different from other modular companies?
DESIGN-MANUFACTURE-BUILD — After three years of R&D and swiftly expanding company growth, HBG is an innovation company immersed in the construction industry. HBG’s client-centric strategy is a turnkey operation that delivers a comprehensive one-stop solution alternative to traditionally fragmented and inefficient construction industry processes.
EFFICIENCY — HBG’s fabrication process and production line are able to unleash mass production to supply accelerated construction schedules.
DESIGN STANDARDS & INNOVATION — HBG costs and time savings result in an unparalleled high-quality, heavy gauge steel building solution. Rethinking the design/build process and adapting existing technologies from non-related construction fields has positioned HBG with a standard fire/mold-proof module solution that is designed for the most severe earthquake and hurricane conditions — a truly unique product offering.
DISCLAIMER: The above information is a guideline only and may not reflect the specifics of your site and project. This is not a contract or commitment to perform the above duties. Separate and unique documentation will cover the specifics of any contracted project.
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